STILFER 527.318 Warm Cabinet Instruction Guide

STILFER 527.318 Warm Cabinet Instruction Guide

STILFER 527.318 Warm Cabinet Instruction Manual


The equipment is supplied with a power cable with plug so it doesn’t need a particular installation. The equipment must be connected to a current tap V.230 +T. The warm cabinet is used to keep warm brioches, cakes, pizza etc. There is a thermostat 0-90°C. On the position “0” the equipment is OFF. Turn the thermostat knob on the position desired ,a warning light come on till the temperature is arrived. The best temperature for the preservation of new products is 35°C. Under the bored shelf of the warm cabinet there is a little tank which must be filled up with water to keep humidity inside.

The data plate is near the electrical cable and lists all the data deeded for connecting up to the mains.


STILFER 527.318 Warm Cabinet Instruction Manual - TECHNICAL DATA


STILFER 527.318 Warm Cabinet Instruction Manual - DATA PLATE

STILFER 527.318 Warm Cabinet Instruction Manual - Fig 1 STILFER 527.318 Warm Cabinet Instruction Manual - Fig 2